Wednesday 29 April 2009

Real Nappy week continues with the Prince Lionheart Warmies Wipes Warmer

OK, so this kind of product might not be high on the wish list of every mums. But it's one of those things that once tried = don't want to do without.
Who knew that if you used a warm wipe to change your baby out of their TotsBots Easy Fit nappy on the Rosie & Romeo changing mat whilst wearing the divine Kicsi baby gown that your baby would be soothed rather than startled into a midnight screaming fit?
Well it is true! The blurb behind the Warmies Wipes Warmer is that the warm wipes opens babies pores for a cleaner more natural clean - so making nappy changing more hygenic. This new version comes with supersoft washable bamboo wipes. Making it even better.
If you are looking for a gift for a pal with a new baby, then this wouldn't be a bad choice.
You can buy for £29.99 from

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