Tuesday 23 June 2009

I Got Tagged!

Thanks for all the fantastic feedback that I had from yesterday's post on that truly fantastic iPhone app. I even got a follow and a DM from the apps developer on Twitter. My kids were soo impressed. I was like the best mum in the world - well for at least a couple of minutes anyway. I have promised to post a vid on You Tube of FunnyGirl in full Smack Talk action - but you will of course hear about that in due course.

So I have to say a Very Big thank you to New Mummy for giving me my first ever tag. If I had a badge - it would be hers!

So here are the rules...

1. Mention the person/s that tagged you
2. Complete the list of 8's
3. Tag 8 other bloggers

Here goes...

1. New Mummy - check out her story of life as a new mum

Here are my 8's

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To

1. Seeing my hubby's first womenswear collection
2. DinoBoy's first modeling job for M&S
3. Seeing the next issue of Annabel Karmel's Bookazine (FunnyGirl) is on the cover
4. My teenage son, StarBoy going off to uni (and not cause I want to use his room for my clothes)
5. The continued growth of my blog
6. Getting on the plane to Thailand for our yearly trip (not till January though)
7. The children's sports day
8. The summer sun (we can hope)

8 Thing's I did yesterday

1. Got a train to London
2. Met up with my online / blogger / Twitter buddies for the first time
3. Carried my macbook to London and back without switching it on
4. Spent too long playing Yum Yum on my iPhone (which is why I didn't switch my mac on)
5. Nearly peed my pants laughing at FunnyGirl conversing with Smack Talk on my iPhone
6. Ate hubby's very delicious Dim Sum for tea
7. Bought a pair of jeans for my hubby to customise for my pal sophie4sophie
8. Fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow

8 Things I Wish I Could Do

1. Wear high heels
2. Run
3. Make dumplings like my hubby
4. Bake
5. Make a few Million
6. Move to Thailand
7. Have a pet Duck
8. Have kids that love to tidy

8 Favorite Fruits.

1. Gooseberrys
2. Rhubarb
3. Satsumas
4. Grapes
5. Apples
6. Bananas (but only native Thai)
7. Watermelon (ditto)
8. Raspberrys

8 Places I Would Love To Travel To

1. Sanrio World in Tokyo
2. Vietnam
3. China
4. Singapore
5. New York
6. Australia
7. Niagra Falls
8. Brazil

8 Places I Have Lived

1. Shropshire
2. London
3. Leicester
4. Market Harborough

Boy that sounds dull.... but I have lived in London 3 times!

8 Blogs I'm Tagging

1. A Little Kindness - please pass and add on.
2. DulwichMum - she brightens my day, especially with her Friday ES mag updates!
3. Home Office Mum - In a position not unlike my own.
4. Babycchino - I love a product blog, not many good UK specific ones like this.
5. Living With Kids - Liz is fab at what she does and well worth a follow.
6. Baby not included - Apart from her sound insights we are both obsessed with our rankings!
7. Juicy Tots - as a fellow child of the 70's we favor the same sweets and interests.
8. Being a mummy - Her blog is a great read.

That's you lot!


  1. Yay! Thanks for the tag. I shall have a go at this, although I am really rubbish at these things. Thanks sweetie.

    Doesn't Peaches preaches get right up your nose?

  2. Yes, but I am not strangely addicted to your regular Friday report. Whatever will her gems be this week? Perhaps we should write in with a problem for her to shed her light on!

  3. thank you, thank you, thank you! Ive a baglog of awards and tags but will do it soon. we have a gooseberry bush in our garden, it produces red ones, a bit strange or what!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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