Wednesday 29 July 2009

BlogHer09 round up .. some great blogs to read.....

In response to the live Q&A over at British Mummy Bloggers yesterday (If you missed it you can view it here) - we had a few people wanting us to suggest blogs to have a look at, here are a few yo get you started. I do still have a huge pile of business cards to go through as I came home with about 300, so I will keep updating as I go through them!

Here are a few perspectives of BlogHer.

This post from Charming and Delightful sums it up exactly for me. I guess that there were lots of us walking around feeling that we were totally out of our comfort zone but too scared to admit it.

Another interesting point. Does having 10,000 Twitter followers make you an expert? Stephanie Bam Bam thinks not.

BlogHer09 from a founders perspective.

An interesting round up from the Chicago Tribune.

A post from the best session at BlogHer - blogging through pain. The women on this panel were an inspiration to the whole room. Six Until Me

An ode to BlogHer from a man's point of view, and he wasn't even there in person! TellingDad.

But the true encapsulation of the whole conference doesn't come any better than the Community Key Note speeches. It gives blogs a whole new meaning when they are read aloud with the raw emotion of the original author. The 21 bloggers had us laughing and crying in equal measure. It was an emotional ride for the room packed with over 1000 attendees. If you only read a couple from the 21 listed then these are my top picks. If you want to laugh read my new buddie Danielle's post and if you would like to capture a bit of that raw BlogHer emotion have a read of this from State of Grace.

And finally... I should have added this earlier, but it slipped my bedraggled mind. This is a great post by fellow UK blogger Sandy Calico that was inspired by me enquiring about others blog life balance.


  1. Thank you so very much for linking me on your excellent blog. I am thrilled that you had a great time at BlogHer, a community that has sustained and guided me since 2005. I can't help but feel a little proud when someone comes away with a positive experience as you had.

    I hope to see you in 2010!

    Best wishes to you and your family. And, again, many thanks.

  2. Sorry I missed the live chat - I forgot about it until 5 minutes after it was over.

    I had already been sent the link to Telling Dad - thought it hilarious.

    Was it really so ruthless? Did you get any great swag yourself?

    I dream of going to BlogHer '10 - I am working on it!!!

  3. To be honest Swag wasn't on my list of priorities - as a PR I get lots of stuff thrown my way and you do build up a tolerance to it. That said I did have to leave a few bits behind in my hotel room cause my bags were bursting at the seams. I'm really pleased that I took a spare empty bag with me - or I would have been in trouble!
    The problem is that you come home with bags full of tat that you don't really know what to do with. I did get a good kids Swan Lake DVD that Funny Girl has already watched about 10 times and I was given a great multi USB port - but I can't find that..... and it was the one thing that i really wanted. Well that and my signed Tim Gunn pic for my hubby!

  4. crap!

    this is my third time saying that your highlight was me misidentifying your stroller.

    and i still love your jacket and want it.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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