Saturday 18 July 2009

What will I be wearing at BlogHer????

Some of you already know that I am off to Chicago on Wednesday for the annual BlogHer conference. It was a bit touch and go as tickets have been sold out for ages and I had to put my hard earned PR skills into over drive in order to get it all sorted.

So tickets are in place, flights and hotel booked and hubby and the kids are ensuring me that they will be fine without me. I know that they will but will I be OK without them?

So to the main reason for this post. Tim Gunn of Project Runway fame will be there talking fashion and to celebrate BlogHer are holding a comp to win a one on one style consultation with the driest man in fashion - and I want to win it!!

So to what I will be wearing at BlogHer..... weather dependent you understand!

From left to right - my outfits pictured above.

1. My custom made blue jacket with white trim and my beautiful Balmain jeans with glad sandals and my limited edition Chanel Union Jack bag.

2. If it is a bit chilly I will opt for my flowered Luella dress, maybe a jumper and tights and my flat DM boots.

3. Blue Luella dress can work for day or night. Flat boots for the day and tights and high boots in the evening.

4. I will probably wear my suit to the business conference on Thursday. I had this made for me in Thailand this year. Team with a pair of classic red high DM boots and Chanel necklace and away you go.

5. And finally - I love this mixed up look! My satin LBD was lovingly designed for me by my hubby, the crankiest pair of socks that I could find (they are Mary Quant from the 70's and were 10p from a car boot sale but work in an odd twisted kind of way), my faithful high DM boots and my Top Shop Leopard print silky swing jacket.
and I know that you are going to ask..... ModelGirl is wearing Blazer by Joules, red tartan jeans by Zara and her copy of my Chanel bag from ASOS.

So that's it - have I done enough to win???? Watch this space!


  1. Im liking the looks a lot! Good luck, let us know how you get on!

  2. Fab wardrobe! Im in awe and you have inspired me to get out my DM boots. Good luck x

  3. Love your style Sian. Hope you have a fab time!

  4. Oh I am missing my old DM's all of a sudden! Great looks, have a nice time.

  5. Loving your style! Lets face it you'll look fab in anything. Perhaps you should dress really frumpy so he takes pity on you instead?!

    Have a brillinat time & of course you must blog about it when you get back.

    Know what you mean about the winning thing- I am a Scorpio too!

  6. Wow! I can't compete with you for fashion, that's for sure. Your clothes are amazing!

  7. bit late posting my comment as your already flying away!! but just wanted to say.. OMGosh.. love your looks!! #5 is my all time fav outfit! love it! but as everyone else has said, you'll look amazing in anything.. i'm sure you'll win! how could you not!! LOL
    Have super fun in Chicago.. :-) xxxx

  8. Oh, no Sian! You can't be see in the same jacket twice....surely this is taking the capsule wardrobe thing just one step too far! ;-)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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