Tuesday 22 September 2009

Face of Prince Lionheart baby model comp - closes soon!

Do you think that your baby has what it takes to make it as a child model?

Leading nursery manufacturer Prince Lionheart (UK) is searching for a baby to appear in a photographic campaign later this year.
The winning baby will also receive a one year contract with leading children’s model agency Bizzykidz and a selection of Prince Lionheart goodies.

They are looking for bright, beautiful and lively children who are outgoing and love being in front of a camera. So if you think your baby has what it takes, is aged between 6 and 12 months on the closing date of 30/09/09 and you live in the UK,
visit www.princelionheart.com/site_uk/home.html for an application form.

As the closing date is just a few days away - and the postal service is pretty rank right now please feel free to email entries. Please include all of the information requested on the application form.

This is one of FunnyGirl's very first model shots - she peed all over the photographers floor, as I wanted the real nappy effect without the wrap - looked good but she left a right mess!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have an email address for the Prince Lionheart Baby Model comp?


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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