Wednesday 9 December 2009

Do you want to win a Fizpouch?

Of course you do... I had some really great feedback since my review on Saturday - so I asked if they would like to run a competition so that one of you lovely people can get as super organised as me.

They said yes so to be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is follow this blog and leave a comment below. The two winners will be picked at random from all of the comments left at 10pm GMT tonight.
If you missed the review you can read it here


  1. Follow you? I practically stalk you.....

  2. wow they are funky could help me as I am always having to ring my phone to locate it!

  3. they are super cute & retro, I love retro, count me in :)

  4. with a new baby, a toddler, two big kids and a business this bag could change my life, organisation is the where did I put my keys?

  5. Ooh with a baby due in less than 3 weeks (ahhh!) I could SO use this!

    I've got your blog in my google reader, follow it and I follow you on twitter :)

  6. I'd love to win one and my handbag's already telling me it needs one!

  7. yep - yep, new blackberry neeeeedddsss one please! xx

  8. Mmmm, I need a bit more glam in my life. I'd love this - xxx @jumblyMummy

  9. I don't just need one of these, I NEED one!

  10. What a great idea, no more losing stuff for months at the bottom of a huge handbag! Love the red one but the spotty one is very funky :)

  11. These are genius! My bag is like the black hole of Calcutta - I think I may have found what my handbag has been dreaming of!

    Ros x

  12. These sound briliant. May be even i could get organised... although I doubt it.

  13. These are absoluely's been a v long time since I had a beautiful bag just ASDA cheapies for me the last few years! Maybe santa will look kindly upon me (I have been ever so good this year.....well except for the cakes:-) but thats between me and the scales santa need not know! shhhhhhhh) x x x x x

  14. I'm following and I've tweeted - quite agree, it's one of those 'why did nobody think of that before' ideas! Simple genius!

  15. Clever idea, would <3 to win one! :)

  16. Now following you blog and on twitter and will retweet shortly!

    Really love the look of these bags and will help keep baby and me funky :)

  17. Yes please, following on blog and twitter and about to retweet


  18. Omg the bags look fab, am following you on twitter and have retweeted :)


  19. Oh where have you been all my life?!, fabulous idea, would love one.

  20. so funky and practical! love them!

  21. Ooh, I'm following and I'd love one of these :-)

  22. Just wanted to say a big thank you for my FizPouch which has it's first official work outing today! Lovely, thanks MummyTips.
    Lots of love
    Ali at TheGoodLifeBloggers x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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