Saturday 12 December 2009

I Love Blythe

We are big Hello Kitty fans in this house. Well I am and it has rubbed off on my girls. They share a bathroom  that runs off both of their bedrooms and it is out Hello Kitty shrine! But now I have a new love....
I have totally fallen in love with Blythe - the little doll that was produced for only one year - incidentally the year I was born and also the year the Stokke® Tripp Trapp® came to market.
She completely flopped due to her big head and kooky eyes and Kenner withdrew her. That wasn't the end for Blythe though - she has now become a worldwide fashion icon, with designers like Westwood and Dior creating unique outfits especially for her.
She was re issued a few years ago - in limited numbers but it's the original 1972 Blythe's that really do it for me. So Santa if you do happen to stop by... I would love a Blythe to call my own. xx


  1. I love these doll and have wanted one for ages. I hope you got yours

  2. Hi Adele, Thanks for your comment on this old post. I did get my Blythe for Christmas that year and I now have 13!!!
    I'm a bit of an avid collector of all kinds of things!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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