Friday 15 January 2010

eeek... I knew I would get tagged...

I knew it was going to land with me at some point so thank you to the lovely MissLeslieanne for landing me before I was fully prepared and thanks to Tara from StickyFingers for coming up with the fab phote meme. It's been a tough job choosing as I have sooo many pics. But this is one of my all time favourites.
I love, love, love this picture of FunnyGirl. Those big brown eyes. Doesn't she look like butter wouldn't melt?

If only.............
So in the spirit of passing the buck I would like to tag Susanna at A Modern Mother, Sally at Whosthemummy and Liz at Livingwithkids. Good luck ladies, I wait with eager anticipation to see your favourite photos.


  1. She is GORGEOUS!

    Glad to see your site up again.

  2. In a word. Adorable!

  3. Clearly a cool chick even back then. Loving the necklace and bare chest combo!

  4. I want those eyes! But not on a creepy way....!

  5. Awwww, what a sweetie. I've loved looking back at old pics for this meme.

  6. Thanks for your comments. It is just so hard to choose though... Perhaps this meme should become 'memory Monday'!

  7. aww.. I love this pic. FunnyGirl is gorgeous, I love the row of her in the den.. such amazing photos you have of the kids. I'm gonna hunt through mine tomorrow evening and try and choose! Eeek! so many! LOVE the idea of a memory Monday post tho... I might have to kick myself into gear and start blogging properly! :-)
    xx love ya! xx

  8. aaw what a complete and utter cutie! x

  9. Just a gorgeous gorgeous girl, she looks like such a hippy chick I love it. Thanks for the tag sweetie - have included you in my favourite photo post over at my place xxx


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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