Monday 15 February 2010

Case studies needed for Cosmo Bride and Pregnancy & Birth

I'm posting this for a friendly journalist that I know. If you think that you might be the case study that she is looking for leave a comment on the post and I will be in touch. I will remove this post as soon as she has found the right people to feature.

One of the UK's top wedding magazines is looking for a bride or bride-to-be
who become obsessed with wedding planning - working out plans in the wee
hours, checking forums when you should have been working etc. We'd like to
have a quick chat with you to hear about how you became obsessed, whether it
had any negative facts and any time-saving, planning tips you worked out so
it didn't totally take over.

Your comments will feature in a piece about getting the perfect
work-life-wedding balance to help other bride-to-bes achieve stress-free

Pregnancy & birth magazine is looking for women who feel pregnancy changed
them to star in a real life feature. Maybe you were always career driven but
now want to be a stay at home mum? Perhaps you always thought you'd get
married but now it doesn't seem a priority? Or perhaps being pregnant has
changed your attitude to your body?

If you're chosen to star in the magazine you'll get to attend a photo shoot
in London where you'll get your hair, make up and clothes style and get
professional photos - a CD of which you'll get to keep.
Shoot will be on March 9th in London.


Pregnancy & birth are looking for mums or mum-to-bes who want to thank
someone - a partner, friend, doula, midwife, family member etc - who gave
you amazing support or help in your pregnancy or birth.

You and the person you're thanking will get to attend a glam photo shoot in
London to have professional photos taken together. You'll get to keep a CD
of the photos and your travel expenses for the shoot will be paid. 
Shoot will be on March 9th in London.


  1. Sian-
    I probably don't dramatically fit the bill of "Has Pregnancy Changed You?" but:
    1) I never planned on being a Stay-at-Home-Mum until I had Little Miss. I wanted to pursue my teaching degree but when I had her in my arms, I knew I couldn't let anyone else care for her every need.
    2) I used to care a lot more about my appearance but now have even left the house without makeup on! Curse it! I am mostly concerned with having Little Miss look good and not myself. I don't recognise myself sometimes anymore. I've kind of given up where my body is concerned, which actually does concern me a bit.

    I'm so glad I shared this on a comment on your post! Don't you just love me! ;)

    You know my contact details...let me know if you need anything else! ;)

  2. Hiya

    Not sure if it will fit,
    Has pregnancy changed me, I know work from home and never want to go back to work where I have to actually leave work.

    Before I was pregnant I was never bothered about marriage, now it is all I think about and keep mentioning to Mr L. I would love to be married and it drives him mad.

    I would really like to thank my other half for when I was pregnant. He put up with a lot I was a cow when pregnant, they thought I had pre ecylampsa,(can't spell it) so at the end I was in and out of hospital. He had to drop work a couple of times as I was taken to hospital. He had to have three days off before Baba came as I was induced, I was hysterical in the hospital as I didn't want to go on a ward and he dealt with all of that. Got me my own room and everything. He fought with the midwives to be able to stay in the room with me the night before I gave birth and was generally just fantastic and would really love to thank him.


  3. Hi Sian
    I was the opposite to Kerry. Before I had the kids I bugged the life out of Ed about marriage as I felt left out as all my mates were marrying after 5 minutes. I also had no direction in life, going from crap job to even crapper job.
    Now, marriage is so far out of my mind and I no longer feel like my life is missing something. I also know that I don't want to go through life doing jobs I hate with someone bossing me around all day, and miss out on my kids in the process. I want to progress with my writing, as its something I love and I can still fit my children in around it.
    Hope that's what they're looking for x

  4. Hi

    Not sure if this counts but pregnancy changed me mentally. I got PND after my second which got mixed up with my childhood. I am now attending counselling but it brought back things that happened in my past I had very little recollection of. Apparently this can happen with the birth of a child as you relate to them through your childhood.

    Not sure if that helps. xxx

  5. Hi,

    Pregnancy and motherhood has changed me in many ways - hopefully all for the better!
    I once thought I would get married, have children and live happily ever after. Everything changed when I fell pregnant with my first son. Although I was in a very serious and committed relationship with my partner (and baby's dad) we weren't married and I felt terrible to start with, but as soon as I realised there was more to life than pleasing everyone I relaxed and we had a beautiful baby boy in April 2007. We married just over a year later in a gorgeous ceremony with the two loves of my life there.
    We went on to have another little boy in March 2009 and I have never felt life to be so complete. Having children has taught me patience, organisation and also to realise that things are not always as you planned but if you can turn them around then life can be full of love and happiness.
    I am now surrounded by gorgeous boys and have a new ambition to be a play-in-the-mud mum and to go to every football match and school play.
    As a young girl I dreamed of a fairytale life where I met a man, got married, had a child of each sex and although that dream didn't come true I definitely got my fairytale ending — just a different one!

  6. Hi Sian

    There are some great stories here already, but here is mine anyway.

    Pregnancy gave me the courage to change careers. Before I had my son (Ali, now 21 months) I had a job as an accountant which I hated but it was difficult to leave as i'd trained a long time, had to do lots of exams and it also paid very well. After having my son I couldn't face being away from him all day doing a job I hated so it really gave me the kick I needed to change career. I decided to start my own business and work from home and although its very hard work, its a lot more rewarding.

    Pregnancy has also changed my attitude to my body, I used to be very insecure about it but now after seeing the wonders that it can do (i.e. growing a baby inside!) I have a new respect for it. That's not to say I'm 100% happy with it now but I spend a lot less time being neurotic about it.
    My email is loucarr at

  7. I'd like to say a big thank you to my husband for his extra special support during the birth of our daughter almost four months ago.

    The birth of my son was difficult and not as we'd planned. I was adamant this time would be different and managed to secure us a place on a hypnobirthing course. My husband drove us to and from all of the sessions (despite being VERY skeptical about the whole thing) and helped prepare for a home birth, researching the best supplies to buy! As it was, my labour was very quick and my husband ended up delivering our baby himself on our bathroom floor! He was a real star, helping with my hypnobirthing when I started to panic, keeping calm and he even had the first wash on (towels!) half an hour after the birth. He's actually really squeamish so I know it must have been really tough for him.

    I'm not sure if that's the sort of thing you're looking for or not, but feel free to get in touch. Eve x

  8. I'd like to say a big thank you to my husband for his extra special support during the birth of our daughter almost four months ago.

    The birth of my son was difficult and not as we'd planned. I was adamant this time would be different and managed to secure us a place on a hypnobirthing course. My husband drove us to and from all of the sessions (despite being VERY skeptical about the whole thing) and helped prepare for a home birth, researching the best supplies to buy! As it was, my labour was very quick and my husband ended up delivering our baby himself on our bathroom floor! He was a real star, helping with my hypnobirthing when I started to panic, keeping calm and he even had the first wash on (towels!) half an hour after the birth. He's actually really squeamish so I know it must have been really tough for him.

    I'm not sure if that's the sort of thing you're looking for or not, but feel free to get in touch. Eve x

  9. I want to thank my husband. As an American living abroad I didn't have family and friends to help me through my pregnancy. I had bad SPD and was on crutches and he took such good care of me! He also threw me a surprise baby shower even though it's not the done thing here and he had no idea what one was, because he knew it was what I'd get if I was in the US.

    Since having to have an emergency c-section, he's again takent he most amazing care of our son and I. He does way more than his fair share and even came home early from his own "wetting the baby's head" to take care of me.


  10. Thanks to everyone for their comments.
    Mama B... I need some contact details for you... can you email me?
    mummy at yummymummytips dot com



Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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