Saturday, 19 June 2010

CyberMummy ticket... we have a winner...

Two weeks from now it will all just about be over.........
What am I talking about?
CyberMummy of course.........

Tickets sold out this week and I know that there are still lots of you out there who didn't manage to get a ticket for one reason or another.

I blogged a couple of weeks ago about the secret donation fund to help get one more blogger to the conference and well we have a winner....
I know that this mummy has entered every competition going with the hope of bagging a ticket... well now she has.... Susan Mann...... it's you!

Thank you to the very kind people that put their hands in their pockets to help - you know who you are.

Susan - see you in London!


  1. Yeay!! Well done Susan, very much look forward to meeting you. :D

  2. Amazing. Thank you thank you thank you.I love you Sian and everyone else xx

  3. Couldn't have gone to a better blogger! I'm not sure where I had my head this week but I missed this great cause, and just wanted to say that if I hadn't been so ignorant I would have definitely chipped in....can I buy you a drink instead?! Something sparkling and nice I promise!!!
    So excited to meet you x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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