Wednesday 14 July 2010

This week I'm loving...

I've been feeling a bit at odds for the last couple of weeks so I've decided to do away with words and go on a bit of a fashion tip. 
I love clothes and I love to shop and my inbox has been jammed with all the fun of the sale today. So here is my pick of the bargains..... be sure to act now if you like what you see....

Top Shop Cape £85, Top Shop Army Cape £55, New Look Ruffle Dress £8, New Look Blue Dress £8, New Look Stripe Maxi Dress £12, New Look Shopper £2, All Saints Mercer trousers £63, All Saints Escape Cardigan £37.50


  1. Ooh, I'm bang on trend! Or maybe not...

  2. i love the cape coat from top shop

  3. Love the cardi - mine looks suddenly very granny-esque and I now feel desparately in need of a mummy make-over (hides be-slippered feet under table).

  4. I think I need a new wardrobe!!!!! oh and a fit new body (my own) to go with it!

  5. Gorgeous -- especially love that stripey maxi dress!

  6. I like your style - particularly the cardigan! Now I just need some money to hit the shops....good thing I'll soon be off maternity pay.

  7. loving that black dress, and how cheap!!! wow!

    Great minds by the way...I did a very similar thing on my blog last week time to write so did my fav weekly things!!! :) love it!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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