Friday, 20 August 2010

Blogladesh, 8 days and counting

I don't think that anyone involved with our trip will disagree when I say that this has been a pretty out there week. 
We were confident that our trip would be supported by our community but as each day passed we have continued to be blown away by the level of support we have received.
My week began with an (early) interview on BBC Radio Leicester, followed by this...
and then this.....

Since then we have clocked up thousands of tweets, re tweets and mentions of our #Blogladesh hashtag. We trended. We all got very excited. We've had top notch social media celebs including Stephen Fry and the rather lovely Richard Bacon showing their support and not to mention the totally amazing support that we've had from one very special friend and fellow blogger @cosmicgirlie - cause we wouldn't have come this far without her.
Our aim is not to raise money. We are simply asking for your support in raising awareness of the issues that mothers in Bangladesh have to face every day of their lives. Their decisions are not like ours because we have been lucky enough not to have been born into poverty. We don't have to worry about finding enough money to feed our families, or how we are going treat a simple tummy bug. But for the women that we are going to meet these are life or death decisions - and we can help.

Nick Clegg is attending the UN summit in New York at the end of September and our aim is to present him with a 100,000 strong petition in support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) that were set by UN leaders ten years ago. The MDG's are simple really, to reduce hunger, poverty and disease. 
We have till 2015 to meet these goals but in order to get there continued support from UN countries around the world is needed.

And this is how you can help. 
Please, please sign our petition. It's a Facebook app - so if you're not on Facebook please sign up so that you can help. 
If you are a social media geek you can also help by adding our Twibbon to your Twitter and Facebook avitars. 
You can add our Blogladesh support badge to your site. You will find the code here.
You can blog about our trip, but please do add your post to our linky here.
You can follow us on twitter, @porridgebrain @nixdminx @mummytips
Please, please follow our blogs. This is where all of the action will be taking place when we are away. Josie is at Sleep is for the Weak, Eva is at Nixdminx and well you are here, so you know where I am. We also have another very special lady with us in Bangladesh and that is Liz Scarff. She's the mastermind behind our trip and she's a totally awesome photographer who is going to keep us all on our toes. You can follow things from her side on her blog at Liz Scarff and on Twitter @Lizscarff.

I know that lots of you on Twitter have said that we don't need to keep thanking you - but we do because you people, our friends are the ones driving this campaign and we are eternally grateful. I'll leave you with these drawings that my girls have been busy doing all week. I have a huge pile of them. It's their way of giving.


  1. Lovely pics that your girls have done. I can't wait to follow your trip. You guys are amazing.

  2. Really amazing what you will be doing. Really makes me count my blessings a Mommy.

  3. It is amazing, truly is. The pictures your gorgeous girls have been doing shows they are just as caring and compasionate as their mother. hugs x

  4. You are welcome ANY TIME. You guys alone are doing more than anyone I've known; it's always a pleasure and an honor to help. xxxxx


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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