Friday 17 September 2010

Inside a Bangladesh village home

Tomorrow I'm off to the UN Summit with Liz from Save the Children as an extension to our Blogladesh campaign. I'll be reporting back and giving my views on the political side of the campaign.
If you were wondering why you should get behind Save the Children and Press for Change, watch this.


  1. Yet again I am brought to tears by what you show me. Good luck at the UN Summit Sian, do what you can to help these poor children xxxx

  2. I'm angry too Sian. There are so many competing, deserving causes around, but you're right - these children, surely, are born with the same rights as ours.

    Thank you for brining this to our screens. I need to do my bit now.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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