Tuesday 18 January 2011

Are you looking for a CyberMummy Sponsor?

I know that lots of you still are still looking for a sponsor and despite me saying I don't have the time to facilitate the matching of brands with bloggers I still don't feel as though I can just turn my back on the whole thing. 
So, how is this? 
A central place for bloggers to post their sponsorship pitches and an easy to navigate list for brands looking for bloggers to hook up with.
So simple I'm surprised that I didn't think of it before. All you need to do is add your sponsorship post or pitch to the Linky and I'll send all brand enquiries this way. 
If you do secure a sponsor can you please let me know so that I can amend the list?
Good luck.


  1. Thanks a lot for posting this Sian. Mich x

  2. Thank you for doing this - good luck everyone!

  3. Brilliant idea Sian, thanks for doing this. Good luck to everyone trying! xx

  4. You're just too kind aren;t ya little lady :)

  5. Well done on not completely giving up :) Its hard to turn your back on things you care about isnt it? x

  6. Thank you so much for doing this - I hope some (if not all) of us get lucky and manage to come to Cybermummy!

  7. Just to let you know I have found myself a sponsor - #2 Mummy Loves! Thank you x

  8. For those that haven't got a sponsor we're running a competition to a win a CyberMummy 2011 ticket which you might be interested in. Please visit http://www.holidayparks4u.co.uk/about/cybermummy-2011-competition/ for more information on how to enter.



    Holiday Parks 4u
    Oakes Media Ltd
    34 Tanners Hill Gardens – Hythe – Kent – CT21 5HX

  9. Hi, Can you remove me from the list please as I've found a sponsor :) My post is number 3 on your list, thank you x

  10. Thanks for doing this - great idea xx


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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