Sunday 27 February 2011

Behind the Scenes.... Silent Sunday

The girls have spent the whole week filming in Ireland for Annabel Karmel's forthcoming TV show. We've had a great time and we've all made some amazing new friends. The show airs in April, we can't wait to see it!
Biba is wearing a dress by Vertbaudet and Betty wears No Added Sugar.

Thank you to Vertbaudet for sending the dress that Biba is wearing for us to review. What can I say? Stylish, easy to wear, washed really well and easy to iron and it looked great on screen.
When Annabel's Kitchen hits CITV in April you'll notice that she's not the only one wearing the dress! It was so good that we had to prize it away from the wardrobe mistress!

If you're not familiar with Vertbaudet, they are a French based company that launched into the UK in 1997 selling through their catalogue and website. They specialise in baby clothing but also sell a wide range of girls and boys clothes as well as a great maternity range and a some cool nursery equipment.
I've bought many beautiful dresses from them over the years - pop by and have a look for yourself.

Don't forget to stop by Biba's Silent Sunday post too, she  loves your comments.


  1. fantastic! Your girls are pros :)

    Maria x

  2. Wow! What a great week! Very exciting for them and you x

  3. Can I please have the boots that Biba is wearing?

    Little Miss will not believe it when she sees her girls on the telly! ;)


  4. Wow! How cool indeed. I *love* those pink boots too :)

  5. What an amazing opportunity, secretly hoping bear likes the limelight when he's a bit bigger! Do they have us to blame do you think!?

  6. my daughter loves your site...just like to say it's a nice blog.

  7. my children loves this site too..i feel so happy for your achievement.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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