Monday 14 February 2011

Yan To at London Fashion Week

During London Fashion Week my uber talented other half will be creating one of his unique pieces live in Layers, Conduit Street.  Stop by on Saturday February 19th from midday to witness his organic approach to garment construction first hand.

I'm obviously biased, but his collection is a true work of art, made even more unique due to the fact that he's self taught. From ad man to designer in the space of just one year. He shy's away from sketching preferring to think through a design or to create straight onto a form. His pieces are wearable, individual and innovative, using common materials in a totally unique way. He's created his label with a unique point of difference, something that he believes to be essential. Fresh and level headed his views set him out as modern fashion rebel.

His debut SS11 collection is available in Harrods of Knightsbridge now.

Are you a fashion blogger or writer that would like seasonal collection updates? If this is you, please email your details to; press [at] byyanto [dot] com or leave a comment with your url.


  1. oh wow!!!! that sounds awesome! I'll be shooting the Bernard Chandran and Belle Sauvage shows from 12:30 oterwhise would defo be there... :(

  2. That is fantastic!! Love the clothes you've pictured. X

  3. Slightly speechless. Those designs are outstanding. That's your Cybermummy outfit sorted then.

  4. Wow that is totally amazing and what a great story. x



Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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