Monday 14 March 2011

Three by Nine Meme... I got tagged

I was tagged by the lovely Cheshire Claire in her new Three by Nine Meme. All you have to do is answer the nine questions below and then tag three of your blogging buddies so that you can learn a little something new about each other, so here you go;

Three names I go by: Sian, Sianie, Mummytips
Three places I’ve lived: Shropshire, London, Leicestershire
Three places I’ve worked: Stokke, as Clear as Media, CyberMummy
Three things I love to watch: Contemporary dance, my children, my kitties
Three places I have been  and love: Hong Kong, Phuket, New York
Three people that email me regularly: My daughter Biba (9), my husband Yan, the CyberMummy team
Three things I love to eat: Yan's special pork dumplings, noodles, Haribo
Three people I think will respond: Karin, Paul, Transatlantic Blonde
Three things I am looking forward to: A holiday, my husband, seeing my girls make their TV debut

I’d love to read a “three by nine” meme post by:
Karin Cafebebe, Transatlantic Blonde and Paul from The Strange Blog of a Daddy (who really wants to come to cyberMummy).
Over to you guys....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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