Wednesday 1 June 2011

Journo Request... How to banish the grey!

Want to learn from a professional about how to cover those greys at home?

I'm looking for a women who has quite a spattering of grey hair who would
like to learn how to successfully colour it at home for a feature in a glossy women's magazine.

The lucky lady would get to attend a pampering photo shoot where she would have a consultation with a professional colourist who would then dye her hair for her, talking her through all the tricks she can apply when doing it herself at home.

She'd get professional photos taken of her new look plus receive a £25 voucher as a thank you for giving up her time. 

If this sounds like you and you'd be free to attend a photo shoot in London on June 14th (travel expense paid) please be in touch with:

- Your personal details (age, location, job etc)
- Why you'd like to have the makeover
- A photo in which we can clearly see your hair colour
- A contact number

Please email jessicapowell[dot]freelance[at]gmail[dot]com by 08/06/11

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