Saturday 1 October 2011

Off To BlytheConUK

Tomorrow is BlytheCon day, its also the start of Betty's birthday weekend. 
We are ditching the boys and heading off to London to spend the day shopping, knitting, dress making and staring in awe at all the other beautiful Blythe dolls gathered for this second UK Blythe fest. There will be pictures, quite possibly way too many of them and I will attempt to restrict them to my Instagram feed but I know that Biba will be snapping too!

The big decision that I still have to make is who gets to come with me??? (I'm talking Blythe doll here...)

I think it has to be Amy Lee, she's hit a 'dark phase' since she was photographed for my blog header back in January 2009. Perhaps its time for a new look for my blog too? Maybe its time to say goodbye to Mummy-Tips? Stay tuned...


  1. Wow that doll is awesome!

    And ahem... Goodbye to mummy tips? Are you serious? Nooooooooo! You can't!

  2. Ohhh Sian, goodbye mummy tips.... hello mummy's tits???? Or have you a better name than that! ha!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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