Wednesday 16 November 2011

Today I'm Loving : Micro Scooters

Micro Scooters have been a mainstay for my children. They've all graduated from Mini to Maxi Micro and hand on heart I can say that they have been one of the most used things that I've ever bought them. Their hands always freeze in the winter (cause even after 20 years of parenting I haven't worked out how to keep a pair of gloves for more than a week) so I was above excited to see these scooter gloves in the new Micro Scooters catalogue this week.

Micro Scooters

They attach to their scooter handles - so hopefully they won't get lost and at £12.99 they make a great stocking filler. Available in a range of colours from


  1. Oh I love this! Such a brilliant idea :-)

  2. genius. i was worrying about his cold hands just today.
    plus i know they work as they're the same ones as i had on my scooter. a vespa scooter not a microscooter.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Micro
    scooters are becoming popular these days. I think there will be no any loss in
    this business if you are looking your future in this business.
    Micro scooters


  5. Nice gloves! Freezing during winter can be a serious problem, so with these gloves, anyone can enjoy using madd scooters on every season.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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