Wednesday 1 February 2012

Me Right Now : Original Sister

Its been quite a while since I joined in The Gallery. Life has kind of gotten in the way of small personal pleasures like that. But I'm back with this weeks 'Me Right Now' theme.

I'd just taken this picture of Biba when I read Tara's prompt. She's sitting in hair and make up at this weeks shoot for the new Original Sister Collection.

She had some awesome hair do's durning the day and I can't wait to see the official collection images. Biba had a great day and met some new friends. I know that Ali from Original Sister will be really pleased to know that Biba said that was the best shoot she'd ever done.
Go check out and the rest of the pictures in this weeks The Gallery.


  1. Aw! What lovely feedback. A big thank you to Biba. She was brilliant. Yesterday, I had another model say the same thing about our shoot. Makes me wonder what 'proper' shoots for 'grown up' brands are like! Ali

  2. She is just gorgeous, love the hair do :) @Kahanka

  3. Totally loving the hair Beebs. And we've got that cardigan!

  4. Love the sidehead braid bun thingy :)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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