Monday 2 April 2012

Future Cinema does Bugsy Malone

Bugsy Malone was one of my favourite movies when I was growing up. I'm not sure what it was that mesmerised me so much, the sadness of Blousey Brown or the cool assurance of Tallulah?
Whatever it was, I jumped at the chance of donning my 20's gear and heading down to East London with my girls to enjoy Bugsy Malone Future Cinema style.

Future Cinema presents Bugsy Malone Street

Future Cinema are masters at this kind of entertainment and they really know how to put on a show. From the moment you enter the street you are taken back to 1920's Chicago with live action everywhere you look.
There are gangsters running across roof tops, policeman patrolling the streets and boxers milling around waiting for a fight.

Future Cinema presents Bugsy Malone_ shoe shine

Future Cinema presents Bugsy Malone_ flower for Fat Sam

We entered The Troxy through the back door to see that this whole venue had been transformed. We really were part of the action. Dancing girls, a milkshake bar and Fat Sam himself entertained before the movie slipped seamlessly into the afternoon.

Future Cinema presents Bugsy Malone_dance hall

We were all mesmerised by the atmosphere and the entertainment and the girls gave Future Cinema's Bugsy Malone a 20 out of 10! It doesn't really get any better than that does it?

Future Cinema presents Bugsy Malone runs until 29th April. See for full schedule info.
You can follow Future Cinema Kids on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. I've heard from a few people this was amazing - we missed out by the look of it, are you going to the STC thing on Saturday? xxx

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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