Saturday 2 June 2012

A blast from the past

I've had a roller coaster of a few weeks, Cybher followed by my amazing trip to Niger and then a week of sickness and media interviews.
After such emotion it's hard to get your head around regular blogging again. It was the same when I came back from Bangladesh. I have a list of posts to write but my words are feeling a bit insignificant for the time being.

Then a couple of days ago the girls dance teacher gave me a DVD to watch. A DVD of a dance rehearsal from 25 years ago featuring a group of us practicing a tongue in cheek  number for a school fundraiser.

Old friends..... enjoy, this is the Mundella crew in full effect.

New friends... I am the tall one in the black pants and white top!

If you're looking for a contemporary dance class in Leicester take a look at Bloom Dance. Bloom runs an adult class on a Monday morning in Kibworth and children's classes on a Thursday after school in Great Glen.


  1. Ha brilliant love finding things from the past like this. 

    I also know what you mean about words being insignificant I feel like that a lot at the moment, it will come though x

  2. Ha, it's funny, I clicked on the video without reading the post and I could tell which one you were straight away! Ho hum, I'm off to listen to some Roachford on Spotify! 

  3. Fabtastic!! Loving the hip jiggly bit. Nothing like watching your young self back for a swipe across the face with nostalgia!!

  4. Cor Britains Got Talent needs you!

  5. Ha, it's funny, I clicked on the video without reading the post and I could tell which one you were straight away! Ho hum, I'm off to listen to some Roachford on Spotify! 


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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