Sunday 16 December 2012

How To Make A Hama Beads Pac Man Ghost

There's nothing quite like relaxing around the table with your girls and a tub of Hama Beads for company and last night I excelled myself (honestly I did) when I made a set of Hama Beads Pac Man Ghosts.
On reflection, 16-bit animation characters are just perfect for Hama Beads creations and I'll quite probably have worked my way through most of my favourite old school classics before the holiday is over. So be prepared.

Want to make your own Pac Man Hama Beads Ghosts? Here's How!

Hama Beads Pac Man Ghost pattern

1. Start with a standard square peg board and create the outline of your ghost.

Hama Beads Pac Man Ghost Pattern Outline

2. Add in the eyes.

Hama Beads Pac Man Ghost Pattern 2

3. Fill in the background.

Hama Beads Pac Man Ghost pink

4. Iron and leave to cool.

Pac Man Hama Beads Ghosts

That's it. Simple! Once I'd worked the pattern out I made three ghosts in around 15 minutes (and with the help on the kitten who really wanted to join in).

We buy our Hama Beads from They always have a great selection of kits and tutorials available.

If you enjoyed this post you might like, How to Make a Hama Beads Bowl and Hama Beads Jewellery Kit reviewed.

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