Thursday, 12 March 2009

New Family Cookbook from Annabel Karmel

If like me you have been a big fan of Annabel Karmel's books since you started to think about weaning - then her new Family Cookbook is really worth a look.
It has some great meal ideas - and not just for kids but for the whole family. There is a fantastic no cook train cake that my kids had a go at making. OK so ours didn't look quite as good as hers did but they had good fun making it.
It's in a magazine format and available from supermarkets like Sainsbury's and Tesco and all good newsagents.

1 comment:

  1. its healthy and fun for the kids to have a bit of homemade cooking ect and they like watching the show,and my son will say we can make that cant we mom on everything lol


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