I have been following this whole chemicals in baby bottles story for around eight years now. The US and Canada have both called for a ban on the use of it in baby bottles - but it seems that here in the UK it is OK for us to potentially poison our babies.
Prince Lionheart, known for their fantastic Slumber Bear have just launched these really cool Silicone bottles. They are free from BPA and all the other nasty chemicals associated with traditional bottle production but the best thing about them is that they are squidgy! the silicone is soft, so you can take out all of the excess air from the bottle which makes them antic colic.
Of course I am a breast feeding advocate - but if that isn't for you, then you really should check these out.
£9.99 each for 8oz bottle.
www.princelionheart.com for stockist info.
These look really good. Thanks for sharing.