Thursday, 28 May 2009

Prince Lionheart BebePOD for Free

Morning peeps! I am having a bit of a celebration as today marks my first full month of results from google analytics. 
Ok so I am the only one who cares about that but hey - it is my blog after all!

The lovely people at Prince Lionheart have given me a bebePOD to give away.

Suitable for babies from around four months - they bridge the gap between having the strength to sit un-aided and the need for a highchair.

I used one all the time with number four dd and it was one of the essential baby items that I recommended to all who would listen!

There are a few seats like this on the market now but this one is really reasonably priced at £29.99. Available in a range of colours, it is the kind of thing that can be passed on to a pal when your baby grows out of it.

If you would like to win one, please email

One entry per person, unless you are a registered follower of the blog, or of MummyTips on Twitter. Don't forget to leave your Twitter name!

Good Luck!
Winner will be drawn at 09.00 (GMT) on 01/06/09

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh I keep seeing these on different baby websites and they look really cool ! Hmmm why am I the most deserving case ? Umm baby's due in 2 months and as it's baby 3 and will be the last one, we don't want to invest in any new material so he'll have to make do with hand-me-downs from his two big sisters (except the skirts and dresses !!). The high chair tray slants down at about a 45° angle so not sure how he'll get on with that !!! LOL Oh and I live in France and they don't have anything like these bebePODS in any of the shops so I'd love to win one !

    I'm a Twitter follower by the way (should that be in a separate post ?)

    cherylpasquier2002 at yahoo dot fr


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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