Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Gallery..... Outside my front door

Last weeks was good, can this weeks be better? The lovely Tara from StickyFingers is giving us the opportunity to have a bit of a snoop, Outside my front door...


  1. great photo - and that area looks like one of those places where the kids can just run for MILES :D

  2. I am in need of some roller boots to keep up with my two scootering antics!

  3. Fab! That looks fun, they could go for miles. Mine drive me mad going around the kitchen on a scooter!

  4. You've captured all the movement and speed and still kept it in focus! I love it.

  5. Fabulous! Looks slightly exhausting though? Did you have to run after them? *she asks as she lazily sits on her sofa, computer on lap* !!

  6. What a lovely photo. Don't know why but it made me think of a scene from an old kids movie 'Stand by me'.

  7. Some of my favourite pics are ones I've taken of back views of people. Great photo! x

  8. Their hair looks amazing!

    PS: Your drive looks pretty freaking awesome, too :)

  9. I absolutely love that picture MT. Scooting off up an endless country lane - it's what childhood is all about

  10. Tiz good, BUt the one we were going to do in the hotel is better. Fact!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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