Tuesday, 1 June 2010

The Gallery Still Life

This week The Gallery has really sneaked up on me. Perhaps my travels have had something to do with it but luckily I took this pic when I was in Oslo last week.


  1. Is that a tree? The buildings are wonderful, so ornate

  2. that's AMAZING; I fear my post will not be quite as fantastic! (Spike took some photos of the alliums in the back garden, so don't tell him I said that ;>)

  3. Oooh, that looks fab! Must learn how to use photo editor... really beautiful!

    (Ali, don't say that about Spike's photos, they are GREAT!!)

  4. Wow, Oslo - somewhere I've never been, but would love to visit. Was it Eurovision, or pleasure? ;)

  5. Great picture, I love the effect

  6. How fabulous! Love, love, love the effects!

  7. Another clever image; I have tons of information in my office to help me improve my photos and I never bother reading it!

    CJ xx

  8. Alas only a meeting and not Eurovision... though I did fear a flight cancellation....
    Thanks for the lovely comments as always. xx

  9. Woe - how did you do that?? What an amazing tree.

    I've been meaning to visit here all day as I know you're usually first out of the gate but your visit to mine reminded me.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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