Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Did you struggle to breastfeed?

Did you struggle to breastfeed?

Mother & Baby magazine is looking to speak to a mum who struggled with
breastfeeding. We'd like to write a diary account of the ups and downs
and difficulties she faced and how she tackled them. Ideally she will
now be breastfeeding successfully. We hope the piece will bring some
valuable advice and tips to other struggling mums.

Ideally your baby will now be around 6 months old.

If you're interested in getting involved or want some more information
please pop me an email or leave a comment and I will pass your details on to the magazine.


  1. Who do I email?

  2. You can email me..... Use the email icon at the top tight of my page.

  3. When is the issue coming out? I think it would be interesting reading as I am a little apprehensive myself. I've gone down the shopping comforting route and got myself some Baby BuBu breastfeeding covers to ease me along my way!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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