Tuesday, 27 July 2010

New York in 24 hours

So this is where I'm at. I'm off to New York on Wednesday morning and I have 24 hours to cram in as much of New York as possible before BlogHer begins.
I've never been to New York and whilst I'm sad that Yan won't be with me I'm really excited about experiencing it for the first time.
When I started to think about it this morning I started to panic... a lot... so much to see, so many places that I want to visit but I have to make the best possible use of my time and I am really begging for you assistance.
I'm staying on the Avenue of Americas. So that's my base point. What are the absolute must go places - how far away are they from my hotel and where the hell am I going to find a shop with Blythe dolls?
All assistance gratefully received.


  1. 24 hours!!! Oh my god, that's impossible.

    You must go up the Empire State, have eggs over easy in any New York diner, take a yellow taxi, take a boat tour round Staten Island (and see Statue of Liberty), go to see Times Square (sure there'll be shops there selling Blythe), Greenwich Village, Museum of Modern Art, Central Park. I could go on and on and on.

  2. Im afraid I cant help on tips for New York but did want to say have an amazing time! V jealous! New York is top of my list of places I want to visit! have an amazing time and I hope you fit in as much as you can! :D

  3. Shout if you wanna hook up on the Wednesday - I can change move my "excursions" around to suit if need be :D

  4. An absolute must is brunch at Balthazar's (http://www.balthazarny.com/) - probably the best experience in NYC and right close to the SoHo shopping here:


    If you can walk the Brooklyn Bridge back towards Manhattan, do that too - but it's not a quick win.

  5. I. Am. Very. Very. Jealous. And. I. Mean. Jealous.

    That said, have a really great time! xx

  6. ditto the staten island ferry...and the walk over Brooklyn Bridge to Manhatten..we got the metro into Brooklyn, didn't walk both ways!
    Top of the Rock....was amazing...sunrise and sunset....you need to see in day to appreciate the wow of night!!
    Want 5 minutes tranquility..Bryant Park..next to the public library
    There is a takeaway mexican place opposite rockafella plaza (drooling thinking about it!)grab lunch to go and get 5 mins tranquility in Bryant Park http://www.bryantpark.org/ (next to the public library)
    Central Park..just so you can say you have been ;)
    And we never got a chance to go (ran out of time) but were recommended South Street Seaport……………"Take metro to Fulton Street then ask directions!!! You will find a pier with shops and great eateries. Absolutely gorgeous eating outside here on a sunny day"
    Very jealous, have a fabulous time, we went in November..saving to go again..the Alicia keys song gives me goosebumps...NYC got under my skin...I love it...
    (so sorry for rambling bossy reply x)

  7. I've been but am not a good tour guide, I'll get you so lost!
    Have a brilliant time, bring me back an Empire State souvenier!
    Can't wait to read about it, would love to go to Blogher one day!!

  8. Go to meatpackers obviously, there's a hotel there, forgot what its called but the penthouse floor is LUSH its bar thingy. parties up there at weekends. amazinf with the best views ever. get a cab and describe that and he'll know what i mean.... thats how we found it. and then find a little backstreet club called touch. funny as.

    I am jealous. I loved new york. phils deployed that way early next year. if he gets a few days stop over I am gonan fly over.

    Lucky lucky you xxxxx

  9. ps. to get in to said penthouse thingy, just walk in like you own it and get the lift straight up there.... else they'll stop you and send you packing xx


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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