Tuesday, 17 August 2010

The Gallery.... Memories

I don't know about the rest of you but Tara's holiday last week really threw me. I've come to set my week around her weekly gallery theme and I've been all out of sorts without it.
This weeks theme is Memory.
For those of you who are new to this please stop by Tara's blog for more info.
Memory is such a vast theme that I've had a little trouble choosing my pics... until I read Tara's post on Mothers Guilt last night.

For a long time there was No1 son and me but I was ill. I was suffering with PND so bad that I nearly didn't live to tell the tale. My actions very nearly left my totally perfect little boy without a mother. That is something that I have lived with for the last sixteen years of my life and a feeling that will never go away.
Things worked out kind of OK. I got better (mentally) and went on to marry the most amazing man and have three more beautiful amazing children.
They know of my past. We don't hide things in our family. They are very aware that they very nearly never came to be and that hurts me too.

This picture isn't great, I've attempted to Photoshop it better but it's more than a little dog eared due to the fact that I clung to it for the whole six months I spent recovering in hospital.
His chubby cheeks, tubby toddler belly and the sheer love in his eyes for me teamed with the love in my eyes for him - is what got me here today.


  1. I knew knew knew you'd shine with this theme Sian.
    I love that photo. I love that it's dogeared and you tell the reason why.
    I love that you look so gloriously radiant.
    Beautiful x

  2. What a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing this. x

  3. *sob* What a gorgeous post (and pic). And as someone who has only recently been diagnosed with PND and knowing how dynamic and amazing you are now thank you for sharing your story - it gives me so much hope... xoxo

  4. Thank you for sharing such a special photo. One of my most treasured photos is a polaroid of my eldest taken by a nurse when my daughter was on the neo-natal ward on one floor of the hospital and I was on a ward on another floor. That photo was so important to have with me when I couldn't be with her.

  5. Such a lovely post Sian, and what a gorgeous photo! The fact that it is dog-eared shows what a special memory it is. Thank you x

  6. Gorgeous post, Sian. And I love the fact it's dogeared.

  7. That's such a beautiful photo. Some say the power of words can move you to tears other that a picture is worth a thousand words, the combination of both is imeasurable. A truly wonderful post.

  8. Dog eared photos really are the best ones.

    What a lovely post, brought a tear to my eye.

  9. Such a beautiful piece and a lovely photo to accompany it. So sorry for what you went through and am so glad you have come out the other side :-)
    And you look ruddy gorgeous in that photo!!

  10. Sian - Mummy-Tips17 August 2010 at 23:33

    Tara, Tara, Tara... please don't go on holiday ever again. Seriously.

    Mummy Mishaps... hell yes! I was 20, thin and quite lovely even if I do say so myself!

    Laura... crumply around the edges does it for me.

    Tatty, Cathy, Deer baby, Baking Mad... thanks.

    Emily... If you need some support just shout. Well actually don't shout, tweet or email cause my sound is usually turned down.
    It does get better - I promise.

  11. I am sat in tears, I really do admire you for the way you tell it Mrs. They keep you going, well the boys keep me going through everyday, thick and thin.

  12. Such a beautiful post, and an equally beautiful picture

  13. It's amazing how much strength we gain from our children, it's seeing it that can be the hard part.

  14. Just amazing to read your story and how you came through. Such strength. The photograph is beautiful - the love just shines out of it. I can see why you have kept it close all this time.

  15. Amazing, just amazing. You and your family. Thank you.

  16. This is obviously such an important picture for you. Really moving story. Thank you for sharing.

  17. A great picture and an obviously deeply embedded memory.

  18. It is a gorgeous photo! Such a lovely "Mum & Son" photo. Thank goodness you overcame your PND all be it with the six months in hospital.

    What a mix of a post - full of love and joy for your family and sadness about what happened 16 years ago.


  19. Really good story to back up this photo - glad you got through the tough times!

  20. That is a truly wonderful picture with an amazing memory behind it. You bring hope to everyone else suffering from PND. You are a true inspiration and have a wonderful family. xx

  21. Susan. You are tops. xx

  22. What a fantastic photo and inspiring story x

  23. A lovely post - I believe everything happens for a reason and perhaps if you hadn't gone through the pain and turmoil that you did all those years ago you wouldn't be the wonderful person you are today. A credit to your family xxx

  24. What a wonderful post and photo. You are so inspiring. x

  25. That is a really beautiful picture. I love the way that small children look at their mothers, and that photo captures a very special moment between you.

    Thank goodness that you managed to over come the PND. Words seem a bit inadequate, but I think it's great that you feel able to be open about that experience. Once you've been through a difficult phase (to say the least), it's easier sometimes to just put it behind you. I'm sure that you and others who are able to show that there is life beyond depression is invaluable for people who are suffering right now.

  26. Oh Sian, lovely lovely sis. You choke me up every time xx

  27. What a fab photo.. Brilliant smiles :)

  28. Look at you, all beautiful and amazing. Beautifully explained xxx

  29. PND is so unsung but so traumatically devastating, such a lovely much loved picture.

  30. I always cheat and look at the picture first, and what a beauty! A picture really does tell a thousand words and the fact that its tatty just adds to it.

    Very moving post x

  31. What a wonderful post, and so honest and inspiring. And gorgeous picture! xx

  32. I remember the post you are referring to and I remember thinking how amazing you are that you took your second chance and RAN WITH IT.

    I love this picture and I can completely see the love in your eyes and the love in your son's--its the sort of love that is complete and total and non-judgmental and I love it. It makes me weak all over when I see this in my daughter. Excellent photo. And you look completely gorgeous!!

  33. Great photo and a fantastic post.

  34. Realy lovely post, you got me crying. Love the hair

  35. I hope you remember you are loved and are part of a huge community. I didn't read all your comments but that was what I wanted to tell you as soon as I read your whole post! xo


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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