Friday, 24 September 2010

Around the world and back...

To say that I've been on a journey over the past few weeks would be an understatement. London, Dhaka, Barisal, Bhola, London, New York, London. The miles that I have travelled have not only been physical.

Six weeks ago I was oblivious to the intense suffering endured by women and children across the third world - then I visited Bangladesh.
There was no way I could have prepared myself for what I saw and experienced there and I returned home jaded and angry about the injustice that people were still living in such primitive, hopeless conditions in this modern world.
Then I read the most shocking book that I have ever read. It's called Half the Sky by the New York Times Journalist Nicholas Kristof. As a woman and a mother, I implore you to read it. I feel so passionately that Nicholas's writing simply has to be shared.
Seriously, I had NO idea that the things he writes about are common practices across the world and now that I do know I HAVE to do something to make a difference.
So off I went to the UN Millennium Development Goal Summit with Save the Children and politicians listened and I was featured in the Guardian and on the ITN News at 10 but that isn't enough. I know that I have to do something personally. So that is my challenge to myself. To make a difference. To offer a lifeline to another woman. To help save a child. It's really that simple. 
I just visited Global and for $10 supported two girls in achieving their dreams to become educators themselves. It really is that simple.

I was lucky enough to meet my new hero Nicholas Kristoph, all be it briefly in New York this week. The man is amazing. His writing is gripping and I promise you that you will not regret reading his book.
Without our support women will continue to be sold, gang raped, violated, sexually mutilated, trafficked, beaten and left to die and their children the products of rape and torture will be born into this shocking cycle that HAS to be broken.

Thank you to Liz and everyone at Save the Children for giving me this life changing experience and for welcoming me into their team in New York this week. They worked me like a dog - but it was totally worth it.
Why are you still here? Get buying Half the Sky.....

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled for you that you met Nick Kristof! He is just about my biggest hero. Every little helps. Let me know if I can do anything. Will donate to that organization for sure.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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