Friday, 17 September 2010

Blogladesh... Behind the scenes at the BMB web chat

We were a bit rowdy due to the fact that we'd been able to take our first semi normal shower in three days but this is us  - as we were talking to you all courtesy of my CyberMummy partners Susanna and Jen of British Mummy Bloggers.
Don't know about you but I think their web chats are a million times better than mumsnet.


  1. I love it! Sian I love your 'This is a bit pants' line. Eva seems to be smiling at the screen rather a lot. Josie, love the 'Do we have to reply to individual people' line. Fabulous. And tell Eva - yes, I really am your sister. I heard her ask that!

  2. Just saw this, I have to agree about the mums net chats


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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