Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The Gallery... Celebration

Holy shmoly look at the time....... I nearly didn't make this weeks Gallery at all. 
I've been wracking my brain and trawling my photos for something to fit the Celebration theme and then it dawned on me. 
Quite simple really - I bring you some of the amazing children I met in Bangladesh - celebrating life.

As an extension to our trip to Bangladesh I'm heading off to the UN Summit in New York on Saturday. I'll be reporting back from the Mashable Digital lounge and flying the flag for #Blogladesh. Thank you for all the amazing support you have shown. 
Don't forget to sign up for Josie's web chat with Nick Clegg over on mumsnet tomorrow night and if you haven't already it's not too late to Press for Change.


  1. I love the photos from your trip - the colours are wonderful and the smiles light up the are doing a great job :-)

  2. What a lovely idea to tie back to the theme. Those pictures are truly a celebration, such beautiful smiles.

  3. Oh my, those children are just gorgeous. I can't say much more than that really. Innocent and beautiful and as you say, just celebrating life.

  4. Sian, beautiful pictures and great work you are doing ;) @Kahanka

  5. Thanks for all your comments and support. This has been an amazing journey for me and I appreciate your support.
    Next stop New York. xx

  6. Fantastic photos. I love the bubble doing what kids do, fab.

  7. Absolutely the best expression of celebration - and from those simply celebrating the fact that they're alive and well, in circumstances that many of us would find nothing but cause for misery.
    The human spirit - especially when seen in the faces of children - really is worth celebrating.

  8. What brilliant photos. Have a safe trip and well done for continuing the campaign trail, you're doing great!

  9. Wow! What fabulous, bright, colourful photographs and the best thing in the world to celebrate - life :) Awesome work, well done!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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