Monday, 22 November 2010

The eBay Challenge is on!

Some days really cool things happen. Just little things. but they bring a sense of excitement, happiness and warmth. Today is one of those days.....
Today the eBay Christmas blogger challenge begins!

I love eBay. I've been buying and selling since October 2000 and I've picked up some really cool things - including all of my Blythe dolls! So can you imagine how excited I was when they asked me if I'd like to take part in their challenge??!!

So, this is it....
Five bloggers, each with £250 to spend on eBay in the run up to Christmas. We need to spend wisely, bag some bargains and pull in all the help we can from fellow eBayers in order to win the challenge.
Of course there's something in it for you too. We each get to pick our most helpful supporter who will then be rewarded with a £100 PayPal credit to spend how they please!

The challenge runs until 12th December, so if you want to be in the running for that £100 just before Christmas I need your votes and I need your gift suggestions.

  1. FunnyGirl 7 - likes dancing, fashion, drawing, painting, pandas and playing on her DSi. Really wants a Netbook. Isn't getting a NetBook.
  2. ModelGirl 8 - likes photography, drawing, fashion, shoes, the Simpsons, Sonic and Mario. Really wants a Canon SLR and a mobile phone. Isn't getting a Canon SLR or a mobile phone.
  3. TotallySonny 10 - likes Lego, MegaBloks, XBox, the Simpsons, Pokemon and swimming. Really wants a supersize Lego / MegaBloks kit - lets see what we can do.
  4. No1 son 19 - likes photography, Star Wars, movies in general, cooking and sleep. Really wants an iMac and a car. Needs to get a job if he's ever going to afford anything.
  5. Hubby likes - clothes, shoes, bags and beating me at Bust a Move. Really wants an iPhone 4. Sadly I don't think the budget is going to stretch that far.
  6. Cheryl 1 - likes stealing socks, snuggling in someones jumper and attacking the poor dog. Really wants a heated bed to keep her warm. Will always get whatever she wants.
So that's my list. If you've seen anything on eBay that you'd like to suggest to me simply click on the 'Suggest a Gift' tab over on the app.

The rules state that we can sell things to top up our pressie fund too, so watch the page as I will be listing loads of things over the next couple of weeks. Looks like I need to if I'm going to manage to buy for everyone!

I guess that I should add that two of the other bloggers taking the challenge are my CyberMummy partners Jen and Susanna. Head over to the Facebook App to get voting and suggesting ideas. You never know it could land you that £100!


  1. Fun challenge! Will have a peek at the app :)

  2. Ahhh right! I wondereed what this was about. should have checked the blog right!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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