Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The Gallery... Shapes

Being the super organised person that I am..... I thought I'd get this weeks picture up nice and early...

I've come across some brilliant new blogs and some awe inspiring photography over the last few months thanks to Tara's weekly Gallery meme. I love the way she lets us slip into an easy routine and then she throws hardball when we were least expecting it.
I'm good with specific themes but ones like this week, so vast in their possibilities really make me work! I have to say I've been stressing and then I took this picture of my beautiful cat Cheryl and her giant alien triangular ears just did it for me.

If you're into iphone photograph, you absolutely have to get onto Instagram. You can download the free app from the app store and it will become your new love over night. You can find me there @sianto.


  1. Ha ha as much as she is gorge

  2. Ha ha as much as she is gorgeous, she does indeed look a little alien like. Great entry

  3. Oh...she's gorgeous! (I am hoping to join the iphone-erati in May, can't wait!)

  4. Lots of shapes going on there with her ears and head. I love all the iphone camera apps. :) xx

  5. Great choice for shapes! Her ears are huge :) I love instagram, definitely my fave of the iPhone photography apps, Lx

  6. aawwww Cheryl is stunning! My friend who i lived with had an siamese cat called Otto and his ears were just like this, such beautiful cats! great picture :) Im on instagram too :) username : 00_00

  7. Devon Rex? Or Cornish? She's beautiful. Reminds me of my gorgeous Devon boy who sadly died a couple of weeks ago (he was the ripe old age of 15 though)

  8. Geek Mummy, She is a Cornish. She is the most amazing cat I've ever had. I have a new boy coming in a couple of week:) Going to visit him on Sunday!!! Can't wait.

  9. Oh she's gorgeous. Is she a Rex? I love it when their ears are almost as big as their heads.

  10. Hahaha! The famous Cheryl!! I love this photo. A very good choice for 'shapes'. Those EARS are AMAZING!!

  11. LOL what a great name for a cat! Very cool...


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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