Sunday, 6 February 2011

Press request.. Do you use Farmer's Markets?

Prima magazine is looking to speak to a mum who loves to shop at farmer's markets.
It’s for a small item and she only need a few sentences and a lovely pic, hopefully at the market with her children. Ideally her children would be aged 10 upwards. A good op for anyone who likes to promote real food and a great plug for your favourite farmers market.
Please leave a comment or pop the journalist an email lucybulmer [at] blueyonder [dot] co [dot] uk.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We use our local markets for local produce. You get so much more for your money then you do from supermarkets. I'd be interested in speaking to Prima, I come from a farmer's market based town and now have urban farmers market in my life.
    My email is mewski AT gmail DOT com

  3. Hi I have 3 kids aged 12,6,1and we use our local farmers markets my Twitter name is @lucyslocket and my blog is

  4. I use out local farmers' market every Friday. All goods that are sold on York farmers' markets have either been grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked or processed by the stallholders. And in spite of what people usually expect the prices are quite convenient too. I have two kids, 11 and 17. Ciao. A. (


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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