Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Gallery : Education

What a great theme for this week's Gallery!

This is me age 7. The same age as my youngest daughter is now.

I can clearly remember the day this was taken because someone threw up in the corridor and the caretaker covered it up with a big bucket of sand. Nice.

I love the fact that I'm accessorised by a red leaf in my fringe. Why the hell didn't someone tell me?

Whatever you do this week, make sure you find some time to view the other Gallery entries. If nothing else it will give you a good laugh!
Stop by Biba's post too.


  1. I wouldn't have noticed the leaf until you mentioned it!
    I had a jumper like that. Happy memories.

  2. I bet you put that leaf there to have a good story to tell in years to come! BTW you look so sweet!

  3. ha! there are a lot of old photos coming out of the closet today, great shot, leaf and all.

  4. Haha, I didn't even notice the leaf until you mentioned it.

    Loving the vom being covered up by sand - how lovely!

  5. I love how when someone throws up at school you get a whole load of kids gathered round looking at it x

  6. I had one of those ribbed jumpers - if your taking that photo why on earth wouldn't you remove the leaf?

  7. I love the leaf, and the fact that you commmented on it!

  8. What a gorgeous picture, I'm so happy that someone else has revealed their school photos ;) @Kahanka

  9. Look at you look at you! That is a brilliant photo Sian, it screams 'I'm a cheeky wotsit' from every corner of that smile!

  10. Great photo and lol at the leaf. I think I'm going to have to post my big girls' first school photo together to give you an example of things in a school photo that someone should have rectified!

  11. Ha ha ha ha I love the leaf!!! I can't believe I didn't know you're a reddie too! We're in the cool gang now! Although I wasn't then!

  12. The red leaf adds a bit of style ;)
    Oh I can still remember the smell of that sand even now. Do they still use it in schools?

  13. How cute are you?!
    And yep, remember it well - bit of sand, that'll fix the sick!

  14. LMAO You are so cute! Yeah why wouldn't the photographer say something about the leaf? To funny!

  15. Aww you look so cute. I remember being at primary school and whenever someone was sick they covered it up with saw dust. Crazy. x

  16. Love the red leaf! And what was with the sand on the puke (or pee for that matter!) Obviously one of the highlights of being a caretaker!

  17. Looks very similar to my school photos, and I do like the leaf! :o)

  18. He he the leaf made me love, we girls do like to accessorise.
    You look lovely xxx

  19. I ment laugh lol I must love the look, off to find me a leaf!!

  20. I totally didn't notice the leaf! We just got Big M's photos back from nursery. We had forgotten the photographer was in that day so she looks a bit *ahem* windswept. No leaves though...

  21. awwww bless ya! Great clothes, Love the photo....Fab! x

  22. Adorable! And, yeah I never would have noticed the leaf either. LOL


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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