Thursday, 3 March 2011

Our new Cornish Rex is here!

We've been waiting for him since two weeks after he was born in November and now he's finally here! He's so cute - though I'm not sure that Purdy and Cheryl quite agree.... yet...
The breeder had named him Boy George but we think that we've settled on calling him Rex. What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions?


  1. Rex is purrrfect! Most definitely a Rex and most definitely NOT a Boy George! ;)
    Lovely! ;)


  2. Oh he is gorgeous! Beautiful colouring.

  3. Rex is an excellent name! Wow, he is so striking! I can see why you love this breed. We've just introduced a new kitten to our other two--he's a fluffy little tabby called Raffy. They were not impressed at first, but now they act as if he's always been here. That was about four weeks. Good luck!! x

  4. He is just beautiful! And most definitely suits his name x

  5. Gosh he;s gorgeous! Looks like he could pierce your soul with those eyes!

  6. How beautiful! A neighbour has just got a kitten and he looks just like your Rex! They decided to call him Kooky...

  7. Oh Sian, Lovely, but how will Cheryl fair up having to share the asparagus????

  8. I adore these type of cats - such a bummer being allergic though. They have so much character!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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