Wednesday, 30 March 2011

To Downing Street... surely not?

I could have been in any old meeting this morning as I shared the things I'd seen in Bangladesh, but I wasn't. I was sitting amongst a room full of fellow Save the Children Ambassadors, as a cabinet meeting took place in a room below us at 10 Downing Street.

What a whirl-wind of a year it's been. 
From blogger to conference organiser to campaigner to ambassador to being on the guest list at world's most famous address. 
If anyone ever questioned the validity or reach of the parent blogging community - here's the proof.

I'm so proud that Blogladesh reached out to so many people and that it was the inspiration for Save the Children's amazing new 'Born To' campaign. 
You see.... we really can change the world.

And get your pic taken by loads of tourists while you are at it!


  1. That's so cool! Way to go Lady xx

  2. Wow Sian, that is a really monumental piece of news. Have heard a lot of people on and off line talking about Born to and for this to come directly from the work you were involved in is something you should be very proud of. Keep pushing for change x

  3. Excelletn results. Well done. Ciao. A.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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