Tuesday, 12 April 2011

MummyTips is Innocent Queen of....

I have to say I was quite excited to be one of the 26 bloggers chosen to take part in the Innocent Alphabet Photography challenge, right up until I found out which letter I'd been allocated.
If they'd have asked me which letter I absolutely, totally didn't want it would have been this one.

A family meeting was called. Lots of ideas were thrown around but still we were without our much needed word inspiration. Time was moving.... our photo deadline loomed and we were grasping at straws but still nothing.
We were afraid to leave home without our letter magnet and camera should we miss a spur of the moment opportunity to shine but still nothing.
We were about to admit defeat when our inspiration hit us like a thunderbolt out of the blue. This is how it went....
Me. "How much money have you got in your purse Betty?"
Betty... "Twenty quid."
Biba... "That's it!"
Me, Betty, Sonny... "What?"

Biba... "Quid, Queen.... The Queen of Q!"


So that's your inspiration. Can you beat our pic and steal our title as of Queen of Q?
Pop by the Innocent site for entry details, take out your camera, get creative and you could win a yummy, healthy Innocent hamper.


  1. You did get a hard one!!!!

  2. Clever. Don't recognise that note-thingy though. Rare in these parts :)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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