Thursday, 30 June 2011

My CyberMummy Thank You's and a wonky camera

Before you watch this really dodgy vlog I have to apologise for the shoddy camera work but my nine year old insists that she has to be in charge....
What can you do?!

Darn it - the naked child put me right off and there are obviously way more people that I wanted to mention but you know who you are.... right?
The wonky camera was all Biba - not me...
If I didn't mention you please feel free to abuse me in my comment stream.


  1. Awwwww love you!!! xxxx

  2. So cute! Biba can catch up on Jay's workshop from my live blog of the panel :) See you soon. xxx

  3. haha great little vid :)
    You were a star on Saturday.

  4. Claire, love you too. Beebs was so cute - she was directing (which is why she was so wonky) and kept saying 'Claire Bear, Claire bear'.
    Mwah. Love you lady.
    Even if you do snore like a dog.

  5. Too cute! And a big "thank you" to you for dinner on Friday night and singing "happy birthday dear porn star" to me on Saturday xoxo

  6. Aww so cute. What a lovely way to thank everyone. xx

  7. As Monica was the 'candy lady' in Friends, so I was the 'Lego lady'
    Big snogs Dr Evil x

  8. I was utterly dodelighted to loan my trusty earthly representative to help you at Cybermummy - she tells me she had a blast and loved every minute of it (even the packing of the pink goody bags - her abs thank you too!) xx

  9. Ah I loved that!! Well done biba, and Sian you were fabulous too!! X

  10. Aww! I was thinking afterwards just how knackered you must have been. You were a star, Sian. xx

  11. *curtsies* You are VERY welcome. I think that might have been my proudest life moment yet...not swearing for a whole hour ;)
    You got mentioned in my thank yous too, as did the, um, "Mighty Book" *cough*
    Miss you already lady

    PS Biba - WATCH THIS SPACE! There might be chance for another photo workshop soon... ;)

  12. It was lovely to meet you :) I wouldn't have left you sleeping on the dancefloor, I'd have kidnapped you, stole one of the hyundais and sped up to York to gatecrash the Moz gig :)

  13. Very interesting post. I really enjoyed reading it.

  14. @mummytips I do not snore like a dog, and even if I did it would be better than your crutch sniffing!!!

  15. Thank you for the thank you... ;)



Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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