Wednesday, 22 June 2011

What is your child's online footprint?

Did you know?
1 - The average age at which a child acquires an online presence courtesy of their parents is at six months, and by the time they are two 81% of children have some kind of ‘digital footprint’.

2 - A third (33%) of children have had images posted online from birth.

3 - A quarter (23%) of children have even had their pre-birth scans uploaded to the Internet by their parents.

4 - Seven per cent (7%) of babies have even had an email address created for them by their parents.

5 - More than 70% of mothers said they posted baby and toddler images online to share with friends and family.

These shocking stats from AVG's year long research study were presented to us at last weeks #digitaldiaries blogger event. If you have children I urge you to read their report.

You can find out more about AVG at


  1. I don't think the statistics are4 shocking at all - we're in a digitial age and we have to adapt. Why would you mail photos of your baby to 50 relatives when you can put it on FB or other such media?
    The last two points in the report however, so make sense. Parents need to think long and hard about what they "share" about their kids, and should make sure they have the right protection on their social networking pages to protect their kids.

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