Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Mummy-Tips Gift Guide Part 1 - Kids

I'm not going to spoil this with words. It is what it is... some of my personal top tips for gifts this Christmas.
This is Part 1 - Kids

1. Disney Vintage Kit Dress, £85 from Selfridges.
2. Tikkers Kids Bow Watch, £11.99 from John Lewis.
3. Moshling Zoo DS Game, £29.99 from Moshi Monsters.
4. Spyro's Skylanders Adventure, available on Xbox, Wii & PS3, £47.99 from Game.
5. Micro Scooters Wheel Whizzers, £6.99 from Micro Scooters.
6. Wing Kicks, beef up your sneakers! £12 from LittleStomper.co.uk


  1. Skylanders is a godsend! My 10 year old & his mate actually play nice when playing it, they swap characters, and would play for hours given the opportunity.

    Characters are already becoming scarce though, clearly the IT game of this Christmas!

  2. Thanks for your comment Claire. Which platform are they playing on? My kids have it too, they love it. I didn't know that the characters are hard to find... Better get my hands on some quick!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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