Monday, 19 March 2012

I Can Dance!

After 18 years and a random meeting with a poster in our local Co-Op a few weeks ago, I found myself back in a dance studio. 
It was emotional realising that I could still dance and I really don't know why I've been fighting it for all these years. It makes me happy. It makes me, me. 
And I'm so proud of myself that I'm ready to share with the rest of the world! Vid's a little dark but enjoy!

If you reside near me, there are spaces in the Monday morning class that need filling so that the class can continue. Message me if you would like details. x


  1. Oh god I'm all sobby. Beautiful Sian, so so proud of you. Xx

  2. Love this, it's a great piece but best of all it's you doing something you love for you. Cx

  3. This has made my heart swell this morning. I am so happy for you. I know this was your dream. Well done taking the leap. Very inspirational. Beautiful but most importantly sweet friend you look like you are having fun x

  4. You have every right to be proud of yourself - It was very emotional to watch knowing what you have gone through...

    Hugs lady!

  5. I was so happy for you when I saw your video. I remember reading your post when I first started blogging and was taken aback by your courage, I am now thrilled that dancing is becoming a part of your life again (and not just your children's).
    Suzanne - skybluesea

  6.  Such a lovely piece; one hell of story too. Dance always moves me but this is true inspiration 'sniff'

  7. Hi Sian just saw this via facebook. Congratulations on finding the courage to get back into it-once a dancer, always a dancer. Inspiring x

  8. It showed me this morning! Whoop. Lovely. I think you and I would have a lot in common you know and well done, you have really inspired me! :)

  9. Kara, I am so lucky to have made such wonderful friends online. You inspire me everyday.x
    Roll on the Cybher gin fest.

  10. Thank you Kelly. I'm sorry that I made so many of you cry!

  11. This has made my heart swell this morning. I am so happy for you. I know this was your dream. Well done taking the leap. Very inspirational. Beautiful but most importantly sweet friend you look like you are having fun x

  12. I am crying here, I may of said that it was fantastic on Twitter last night but I have just read your linked post, I didn't know. I think you are amazing xx

  13. As a mum, it's so easy to loose that part of you.

  14. When you told me the other day that you used to be a dancer it didn't surprise me. You have the guts, bloody mindedness and determination. The base plates of any good dancer. You proved that with Eroticon, now go and find yourself a class and stop dreaming. 
    If I can do it you have no excuse. xx

  15. It feels pretty amazing to prove people wrong. Now i have done this I can do anything!

  16. Not sure why you can't see but go for it honey. Dance is the way forward!

  17. yes you can and its made me cry because its been something like that long for me and I dream about it all the time - proper dreams behind my eyelids and my body has never forgotten, because how can you forget who you are?

  18. Claire, Cheshire Mum26 June 2012 at 23:27

    Love this, it's a great piece but best of all it's you doing something you love for you. Cx 

  19. Wow Sian! just wow! Well done you xxx

  20. Oh it won't show me! I love to dance, and have recently started Zumba to get fit (which has elements of dance) and it has reminded me how much I miss and love it, and that I am ok at it (on this one occasion at a sporting activity I am not the one that look silly!) I would love to find a dance class near me! :) I am sure you look wonderful, but it won't show me the video. :)

  21. Thank you. Now I just need more sessions!

  22. Hey you, if I can do it after 18 years.....

  23. you are such an inspiration... amazing!

  24. well done you! Beautiful dance - you have every right to be proud! x

  25. well bloody done!

    you are stunning x

  26. Kathleen (MUMMYWALKER)26 June 2012 at 23:27

    Wow, beautiful video. Even more amazing and inspiring when you read the previous post.
    Really chuffed that I've been back running for nearly a year now. It's a funny old journey that seems to get us back eventually to the things we love. Hope you inspire more people to get back to dancing x

  27. So proud of you!!!! That's so incredible xxxx

  28. You rock you do. FACT. 

  29. wow check out. I really need to get back to it. I miss it. I gave up when I was pregnant with my oldest. I feel too out of it now. You look amazing and so natural xx

  30. Yeah.... a bit of a way for you to travel! x

  31. Alice, do it, I'm sure you won't regret it. I was scared, I think that's why it took me so long but after 4 weeks I'm posting a video on my blog!

  32. alice Treherne26 June 2012 at 23:27

    I used to dance too. Trained at a college in Essex when I was 18. But after one health related failing to the next, I ended up quitting. I miss it. You look great. I wish I had the confidence to do it again.x

  33. Oh god I'm all sobby. Beautiful Sian, so so proud of you. Xx on

  34. Just flipping brilliant!! You're amazing. And if I lived closer (and didn't have to work etc etc etc) then I'd be there like a shot!!

    Love you xx

  35. You know more than anyone how much it means to me. I love you. x

  36. Awe chicken, your support means so much to me. x

  37. Hey, lovely. Took me right back to Mundella too. What would any of us be without how Bloom inspired and encouraged us? I'm so lucky to have found that again. x

  38. Sian it never truely leaves us, ever! Took me right back to our mundella days. I wish it were me.  You look beautiful! xxx

  39. That is lovely! I used to dance too and really want to get back into it. 

  40. That was beautiful. I'm so proud and happy for you, you projected the emotion so much, lovely xxxx

  41. Inspiring. Nuff said. 

  42. Kate Sutton - WitWitWoo26 June 2012 at 23:27

    Oh Sian.  I'm a double hard bastard most the time, but this brought tears to my ears.  Was beautiful *sniff sniff*  x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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