Thursday, 22 March 2012

Smart Meter Questions Answered

A very big thank you to the team at E.ON for answering all of my Smart Meter questions live on Twitter today.
I've collated the full Twinterview for you here so that you can come back and read at your leisure.

From E.ON we have Malc and from the #eonsmart team it's Jean ^J

Please remember that the Q & A took place on Twitter, so all questions and answers are less than 140 characters!

Me: To kick things off... What is a Smart Meter?
E.ON: Same as normal meter but they can talk to us. Also talks to display in house so you can see what you’re using ^J

Me: How does it differ from the meter I have now? @EONhelp #eonsmart
E.ON: Sends readings electronically, no more estimated bills, no need to read meter & see what you’re using ^J

Me: How does the Smart Meter work? @EONhelp #eonsmart
E.ON: Intelligent gas and elec meters allow two way comms between supplier and home, ours use SMS ^J

Me: What does it monitor? @EONhelp #eonsmart
E.ON: Exactly how much gas and elec you’re using real time or in a week/month/year ^J @geekisnewchic #eonsmart
Me: .@EONhelp I can see that watching it could easily become a new addiction #eonsmart 

Me: How will a Smart Meter help me to reduce my energy bills? @EONhelp #eonsmart E.ON: How you use energy in your home. Helps you spot where you can make savings eg kids leaving lights on ^J
Me.@eonhelp yes I have 'issues' with that. #eonsmart

Me: What do energy companies do with the data recieved from Smart Meters? @EONhelp #eonsmart
E.ON: We make sure we send you accurate bills, can help you work out how to save more energy, we don’t share your usage data. ^J

Me: There's been lots of health complaints from people following Smart Meter installation. What is your view on this? @EONhelp #eonsmart
E.ON: I have #eon smart meters at home & I have 2 kids.......^J @geekisnewchic #eonsmart E.ON: ...#eon conform to Health Protection Agency standards so I've no health concerns for my family ^J
E.ON: And #eon wouldn't install anything in your home that we knew would have an impact on your health ^J

Thank you to @cahmn for the bellow comments during the session.

@cahmn: @EONhelp @geekisnewchic I've had a smart meter since Oct. It's good for seeing how you're doing: get obsessed with keeping lights green!

Me: @cahmn Did you have to make a lot of changes to the way you use you energy to soothe your green light obsession? @EONhelp #eonsmart

@cahmn: @geekisnewchic @EONhelp My better half was a bit obsessive about it anyway...but it has helped to bring the children in line too! #eonsmart

Me: @cahmn what kind of savings have you made to your bills? @EONhelp #eonsmart

@cahmn: @geekisnewchic @EONhelp Difficult to know as has been over winter period + price variations. Savings won't be huge, but more conscious now.

So that was our hour. 
If you have any other questions about Smart Meters or E.ON, please leave them in the comments and I'll badger them for a response.

I'm still eager to hear from people that already have a Smart Meter.
How does it work?

Are you obsessed with the green lights like @cahmn is?

What happens when the green lights go out?

Do I even want to know that? I picture the whole run of LOST flashing before my eyes and I cannot cope with that again!

I'm still undecided about making the move and I'd like to hear your views good and bad.
I have previous Smart Meter posts if you would like to follow the comments. If you are interested, I suggest you do.

Please Note : This is not a sponsored post. 

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