Sunday, 15 April 2012

Bluebell Woods : Silent Sunday

Bluebell Woods

I made all of my children cycle 18 miles around the rather beautiful Rutland Water this week. Betty managed to moan the whole way. I can forgive her because it was the first time she has done it under her own steam. It took us over three hours:( In our fitness peak (with Biba 6 and Sonny 7  we could get around in under two hours... we have work to be done but this is just the beginning).
I'm really proud of Betty (despite the moaning!) It is a long way and once we can sit comfortably we will be setting off again!


  1. I do miss walking in the woods, this is a lovely photo even if does make me a little homesick!

  2. gorgeous photo. I love bluebell time.

  3. ohhh bike riding is such fun, if only my youngest could master witout stabelizers then I would make sure I got on the bikes more often - it is on my todo list to help him crack it x

  4. Oh well done to her for doing it even if she was moaning. Gorgeous shot.

  5. What wonderfully deep colours. Nice that the sky matches the bluebells too!

  6. That looks beautiful! I am looking forward to when mine are big enough for us to all go on bike rides. x

  7. Awwwwwww poor Betty!!!! Love her!!!!

  8. I love trees, this is a beautiful picture. x

  9. I LOVE this picture!! Beautiful!

  10. I can't wait till my two are off the stabilisers - mean we can go somewhere other than up and down the road! I remember going on bike rides with my dad and younger sister - we'd get so far and then one of us would throw a fit...

  11. Well done for tolerating the moaning! I took my youngest out for a bike ride the other weekend and it actually wasn't TOO bad. She only had to stop for a little cry twice along the way :-)

  12. Catherine Burden26 June 2012 at 23:23

    I miss bicycling with my kids. Listening and watching them complain during the ride, but when done, asking when we can go again. It is a wonderful way to spend time together.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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