Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Content and Calm Travel Bug Competition

Content and Calm have a great new competition for budding little travel reporters so if your little one loves spending time in front of the camera read on as they could be in with the chance of winning a luxury family holiday to Greece or an all expenses paid trip to a top UK family attraction.

Content and Calm are looking for 10 TravelBug Reporters who will be sent off on an all-expenses paid adventure with their families to report back and share their insider tips for a series of Content and Calm online travel guide videos.

All you need to do to enter is create a short fun video of your child sharing their favourite holiday memories, highlights and funny stories. To help you along Content and Calm have come up with 6 questions that you can use as prompts but feel free to be as creative and out of the box as you wish. You could even create a location set or dress up in your favourite holiday clothes!

1.       Tell us about your favourite holiday, where you went and what you did?
2.       What was the best element of the holiday and why?
3.       What was the worst part of the holiday?
4.       If your best friend went there tomorrow, what would you tell them to do?
5.       Who would you most love to go on holiday with?
6.       Who is more fun on holiday, mum or dad and why?

To help you with inspiration here's Biba's Travel Bug report on a holiday to Phuket in Thailand.

Here's how you can enter...

1.       Take a quick video of your child chatting about their holiday
2.       Upload it to the Content & Calm Facebook app before 11.59pm on 01/07/12
3.       Get your friends and family voting!
4.       If you blog, why not blog about the comp too. It's a great way to get people voting.

The 19 videos with the most votes and 1 random wildcard entry will then go through to the judging round where the 10 Content and Calm TravelBug Reporters will be chosen.

Good luck and look out for other entries by following the #ContentandCalm tag on Twitter.

*Disclosure* This is a sponsored post.


  1. CUTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love her little giggles throughout xx

  2. fab thanks for the info, going to do this now and share it with all xx


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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