Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Philips PerfectCare Silence Rocks!

Sometimes being a blogger is just plain awesome. 
Being given the opportunity to test the Philips PerfectCare Silence Steam Generator Iron was one of those moments (what can I say? I'm a bit anal when it comes to the crease of my clothes).

You clearly get what you pay for in the ironing stakes because at around £300 the PerfectCare Silence is quite easily the most expensive piece of ironing kit that I've ever laid my hands on but now I've tried it I would never go back to my bog standard iron.

Why is it so great?
The blurb promises to make ironing a more relaxing experience but I was so excited I kind of missed that point altogether!
I did race through the rather gigantic ironing pile in a whizz as the steam makes banishing creases effortless. 
Philips PerfectCare Silence Steam Generator Iron
Having a designer in the house means that our iron gets quite a workout when its sampling time and the PerfectCare gets Yan's seal of approval too.
The large water tank gives you around 2 hours ironing time, without having to refill and you can use it vertically on curtains and hanging garments.

The downside, not that it's an issue for me is the size. The unit is quite a lot bigger than a standard iron and it's arrival did force a full scale sort out of the utility room, but it needed doing anyway.

My love for the PerfectCare Silence is so strong that I created a Pop Art portrait in her honour. And for the record, we will never, ever be parted, so don't even suggest it.

Pop Iron

Thank you to Philips for sending me this amazing bit of kit and for making me tidy the utility room.


  1. GIVE.....ME....ONE....OF...THOSE!! I hate ironing and have been known to farm it out when everyone only has underwear left and the ironing pile the size of Everest threatens to avalanche through the utility door - nothing quite like making it easier...will be taking a peak and splashing the cash for that baby x

  2. Ha, Lizzie, you SO need one of these in your life!

  3. Ooo it's so pretty! I think I would probably end up looking at it more then actually using it! My ironing board is still in it's wrapper and we bought it just before Christmas!!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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